
    TC Energy Corporation

    TC Energy Corporation history, company profile (overview) and corporate video

       TC Energy Corporation (formerly TransCanada Corporation) is a North American energy company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


       TC Energy was founded in 1951 as Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Limited by a Special Act of Parliament. The purpose of this company was to develop the TransCanada pipeline (now known as the Canadian Mainline) to supply eastern Canadian markets with natural gas produced in the West.

       In 1998, TransCanada Pipelines merged with NOVA Corporation’s pipeline business, and the newly merged company kept the TransCanada name.

       In 2016, the company acquired Columbia Pipeline Group.

       In 2019, TransCanada Corporation changed its name to TC Energy Corporation.


       The company operates through the following business segments: Energy, Natural Gas, Oil & Liquids, and Power & Storage.


       The Energy segment focuses on developing and operating energy infrastructure.

    Natural Gas

       The Natural Gas segment includes a network of natural gas pipelines, which supplies clean-burning natural gas consumed across North America to heat homes, fuel industries and generate power.

    Oil and Liquids

       The Oil and Liquids segment includes an oil & liquids pipeline infrastructure, which connects Alberta crude oil supplies to U.S. refining markets in Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas and the U.S. Gulf Coast.

    Power and Storage

       The Power and Storage segment is focused on the development and operation of high-efficiency, natural gas-fired generating stations. A high percentage of the company’s power capacity is emission-less.

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       With over 10,000 employees in Canada, the US and Mexico, TC Energy is considered one of North America’s leading energy infrastructure companies. According to Forbes, it is considered one of the Largest Public Companies in the World.

    *Information from,, and ””.

    **Video published on YouTube by ”TC Energy“.



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