

    AMP Ltd. history, profile and corporate video

     AMP Ltd. operates as an independent wealth management company which provides insurance, pensions, fund management, banking, and related personal financial services in Australia and New Zealand. It operates through two business segments: AMP Financial Services and AMP Capital. The AMP Financial Services segment provides financial planning advice, superannuation, retirement savings and income products, risk insurance and selected banking products through a network of self-employed financial planners. This segment has four divisions: Contemporary Wealth Management, Contemporary Wealth Protection, Mature and AMP Financial Services New Zealand. The Contemporary Wealth Management division offers financial planning services, including platform administration, unit-linked superannuation, retirement income, and managed investment products business through north product and platform and AMP Bank. The Contemporary Wealth Protection division offers disability and income protection insurance products. The Mature division offers AXA branded Guaranteed Savings Account and AMP branded Eligible Rollover Fund services. The AMP Financial Services New Zealand division operates a risk insurance business and mature book with KiwiSaver, unit-linked superannuation and managed investment business. The AMP Capital segment operates as an investment manager, which manages investments, including equities, fixed interest, infrastructure, property, diversified funds and multi-manager funds. It provides commercial, industrial and retail property management services and investment management services through in-house investment professionals and partners. The company was founded in 1849 and is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.

    “AMP History

    Two companies have pioneered the insurance and superannuation industry in Australia and New Zealand. The Australian Mutual Provident Society (AMP) and the National Mutual Life Association of Australasia (National Mutual which became AXA Asia Pacific Holdings) have been pivotal in helping generations of Australians and New Zealanders save for a better tomorrow and protect their families in the event of misfortune. AMP first opened for business in 1849 and the National Mutual Life Association of Australasia followed shortly after, in 1869. While the two companies began their operations independently, they joined forces in 2011.

    Founded on very similar principles, financial advice has always been at the heart of both businesses. Both companies have shared a passion for quality financial advice and for the way good advice can help change people’s lives for the better. Together the two companies are now providing even more customers with financial security and the opportunity to look forward to a better tomorrow.

    Both AMP and National Mutual have also played important roles in the development of society in Australia and New Zealand. In fact, we helped build Australia and New Zealand. When Australia’s first skyscraper was just a dream, we helped make it a reality. We’ve built roads, airports and other infrastructure to help bring to life the dreams of our nations. Tomorrow we’ll turn even more possibilities into realities.”

    *Information from and

    **Video published on YouTube by “AMP”



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