
    BT Group

    BT Group Plc history, profile and corporate video

     BT Group Plc provides communication solutions and services. Its principal activities include networked IT services, local, national and international telecommunications services and higher value broadband and Internet products and services. The company has four customer-facing Iines of business: BT Global Services, BT Retail, BT Wholesale and Openreach. These are supported by two internal service units: BT Innovate & Design and BT Operate. The BT Global Services provides networked IT services to multinational corporations, domestic businesses, government departments and other communication service providers around the world. The BT Retail provides a range of innovative communications products and services and serves consumer customers, small and medium sized enterprises in the United Kingdom. The BT Wholesale provides broadband, voice, data connectivity, managed network outsourcing and value-added solutions to the UK communication providers. The Openreach owns, maintains and develops access network that links homes and businesses to the networks of Britain’s communication providers. BT Group was founded on March 30, 2001 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom.

    “BT Group History

    BT is the world’s oldest communications company, with a direct line of descent from the world’s first national telecommunications undertaking. The Electric Telegraph Company incorporated in 1846, was the first to develop a nationwide communications network. Within 10 years an international network had been developed, making communications possible within minutes and hours instead of days and weeks.

    Fast forward to today and technology is more central to BT’s business than ever, as it builds on the foundation of the digital era to create the information age.

    As guardian of the UK’s telecommunications legacy we recognise and attach great value and importance to our long and rich heritage. Our Heritage Policy details how, as a socially responsible company, we ensure the long-term preservation of this national heritage while providing access to the widest possible audience.”

    *Information from and

    **Video published on YouTube by “BTBetterFuture



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