
    Hydro One Limited

    Hydro One Limited history, profile and corporate video

       Hydro One Limited is an electricity transmission and distribution service provider headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


       Hydro One history dates back to 1906 when the Ontario Legislature passed the Power Commission Act establishing the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario (HEPC).

       In 1974, the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario (HEPC) was renamed Ontario Hydro.

       In 1999, Ontario Hydro was restructured into five separate entities: Ontario Power Generation, Ontario Hydro Services Company, Independent Electricity System Operator, Electrical Safety Authority, and Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation.

       In 2000, the Ontario Hydro Services Company was renamed Hydro One Incorporated and reorganized as a holding company.

       In 2014, Hydro One acquired the assets and customers of Norfolk Power.

       In 2015, Hydro One became a publicly-traded company on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

       In 2017, Hydro One announced the purchase of the U.S. energy company Avista but the purchase was blocked in 2018 by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission.

       In February 2017, Hydro One Brampton was acquired by Alectra Utilities.

       In May 2017, the Ontario government completed the sale of 60% shares of Hydro One.

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       In 2018, the Ontario government announced they had sold over 14 million shares of Hydro One to OFN Power Holdings.


    • Hydro One Networks Inc. – is involved in the planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of the transmission and distribution network;
    • Acronym Solutions Inc. (formerly Hydro One Telecom Inc.) – is an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) company that provides secure network connectivity, cloud and operational solutions;
    • Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. – operates and maintains the generation and distribution assets used to supply electricity to communities across northern Ontario that are not connected to the province’s electricity grid;
    • Hydro One Sault Ste. Marie – component of Ontario’s transmission system that connects northern Ontario to southern Ontario;
    • Ivy Charging Network – engaged in building one of Ontario’s largest and most connected electric vehicle fast-charger networks.

       With more than 8,000 employees, Hydro One Limited is considered one of the largest electric utilities in North America. According to Forbes, it is considered one of the Largest Public Companies in the World.

    *Information from,, and

    **Video published on YouTube by “Hydro One“.



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