
    China Longyuan Power Group

    China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited history, company profile (overview) and history video

       China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited (CHN Energy) is a power producer company focusing on the development and operation of new energy. It is headquartered in Beijing, China.

       The company’s main businesses include Wind Power Generation, Solar Power Generation, Thermal Power Generation, Geothermal Power Generation, Tidal Power Generation, and Biomass Power Generation.


       China Longyuan Power Group was established in 1993 as Longyuan Electric Power Technology Development and was initially subordinate to the Ministry of Energy of the People’s Republic of China, mainly engaged in the research and development of energy-saving technology, environmental protection technology, and new energy technology.

       In 1994, the company changed its name to Longyuan Power Group Corporation.

       In 2002, after the reform of the electric power system, Longyuan Power Group Company became a wholly-owned holding company of China Guodian Group Corporation.

       In July 2009, the company was restructured into China Longyuan Power Group Corp. Ltd.

       In December 2009, the company was successfully listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

       In 2019, the company signed an acquisition agreement with Lithuanian Four Winds Energy Co., Ltd. for the Uday Wind Power Project in Ukraine.

       With more than 7,000 employees, China Longyuan Power Group Corp. Ltd. is considered one of the world’s largest wind power operators. According to Forbes, it is considered one of the Largest Public Companies in the World.

    *Information from,, and

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    **Video published on YouTube by “Companies History“.



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