
    Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance (SFMI)

    Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (SFMI) profile, history and corporate video

       Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (SFMI) is a property and casualty insurer headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. Its business portfolio consists of automobile insurance, long-term insurance, general insurance (commercial lines), enterprise risk management, annuities, etc.

       Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance was incorporated on January 26, 1952, under the name, “Korea Anbo Fire Marine Reinsurance Corporation”.

       In 1956, Ankuk Fire & Marine Insurance was founded.

       In 1958, Samsung Group acquired Ankuk Fire & Marine Insurance.

       In 1965, Korea Anbo Fire & Marine Reinsurance Corporation merged with Ankuk Fire & Marine Insurance. The merged company was named Ankuk Fire & Marine Insurance.

       In 1993, Ankuk Fire & Marine Insurance changed its corporate name to Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance (SFMI).

       As of the end of 2015, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance has seven overseas subsidiaries in Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Brazil, Europe, US, and Singapore.

       With more than 5,000 employees and over 20 offices in 11 countries, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (SFMI) is considered one of the biggest property and casualty insurers in Korea. According to Forbes, it is considered one of the Top 2000 Largest Public Companies in the World.

    *Information from,, and

    **Video published on YouTube by “TIZEN Indonesia“.



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