
    China Steel Corporation (CSC)

    China Steel Corporation (CSC) history, company profile (overview) and history video

       China Steel Corporation (CSC) is a steel manufacturer headquartered in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Its main products are steel plates, bars, wire rods, hot-rolled and cold-rolled coils, electro-galvanized coils, electrical steel coils, and hot-dip galvanized steel coils.

       China Steel Corporation (CSC) is administrated under the CSC Group. CSC Group administrates a total of 23 main subsidiaries. The scope of its business covers five major business domains, including steel, engineering, industrial materials, logistics and investments, and green energy.


       China Steel Corporation was officially established in 1971 in Taipei.

       In 1974, CSC was listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange.

       In 1975, the company relocated its head office to Kaohsiung.

       In 1977, CSC became a state-owned company.

       In 1995, CSC was re-privatized. Although CSC became a non-governmental company, the Government still owns a large portion of its stocks.

       In 2008, Dragon Steel Corporation4 became a wholly-owned subsidiary of CSC.

       With more than 28,000 employees, China Steel Corporation (CSC) is considered one of the largest domestic steel manufacturers. According to Forbes, it is considered one of the Largest Public Companies in the World.

    *Information from,, and

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    **Video published on YouTube by “Companies History“.



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