Hacı Ömer Sabanci Holding A.Ş. history, company profile (overview) and history video
Hacı Ömer Sabanci Holding A.Ş. is a conglomerate (a multi-industry company) headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey.
Hacı Ömer Sabanci Holding was founded in 1967 by the Sabanci Family, which is collectively Sabanci Holding’s majority shareholder. Sabanci Holding was listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) in 1997.
In 1906, Hacı Ömer Sabancı was born in the Akçakaya village of Kayseri.
In 1925, Sabancı Holding was founded.
In 1948, Hacı Ömer Sabancı founded Akbank as a shareholder.
In 1960, Aksigorta Insurance Company was founded.
In 1967, Hacı Ömer Sabancı Holding was founded.
In 1971, Pilsa Plastic Industry Inc. was founded.
In 1972, Çimsa Cement Inc. was founded.
In 1973, Kordsa was founded.
In 1975, Bimsa was founded.
In 1985, Ankara International Hotels Inc. was founded.
In 1985, BNP-Akbank Inc. was founded. (BNP Paribas-Akbank)
In 1987, Tursa Tourism Inc. was founded.
In 1990, Toyotasa was founded with the partnership of Toyota, Mitsui and Sabancı.
In 1988, Brisa (Bridgestone-Sabancı) Tire Industry and Trade Inc.
In 1992, IBimsa (IBM-Sabancı partnership) International Business Information and Management Systems was founded, after the investment of IBM in Bimsa.
In 1999, Sabancı University was opened.
In 2000, Dupontsa B.V. (Dupont-Sabancı partnership) was founded.
In 2000, Teknosa was founded.
In 2003, Sabancı Telekomünikasyon Hizmetleri A.Ş. was founded
In 2006, Sabancı Holding A.Ş. signed an partnership cooperation agreement with Verbund (Österreichische Elektrizitatswirtschafts Aktiengesellschafts), one of Austria’s leading electricity companies.
In 2011, Sabancı Holding and Ageas, one of the largest insurance companies in Europe, became partners in Aksigorta.
In 2013, Enerjisa, completed the transfer of shares of Verbund, of which it has 50 percent shares with Sabancı Holding, to E.ON, one of the world’s largest electricity and natural gas companies.
As the parent company, Sabanci Holding manages the Sabanci Group’s companies.
The Sabanci Group’s business areas are Banking, Financial Services, Energy, Industrials, Building Materials, Retail, Socio-cultural, and Other.
- Akbank
- AKlease
- AK Investment (AK Yatirim)
- (AK Asset Management)
Financial Services
- Aksigorta
- AgeSA
- Enerjisa Enerji A.Ş.
- Enerjisa Üretim Santralleri A.Ş.
- Brisa
- Kordsa
- Temsa
- Temsa Motorlu Araçlar
- Temsa İş Makinaları
Building Materials
- Akçansa
- Çimsa
- CarrefourSA
- Teknosa
- Sabancı University
- Sakıp Sabancı Museum
- Sabanci Vakfi (Sabancı Foundation)
- SabancıDx – digital technologies
- Tursa – owner of Adana Hiltonsa Hotel, Mersin Hiltonsa Hotel, and Ankara Hiltonsa Hotel.
Sabanci Holding’s multinational business partners include global companies such as Ageas, Aviva, Bridgestone, Carrefour, E.ON, Heidelberg Cement, Marubeni, and Skoda.
With more than 63,000 employees, Hacı Ömer Sabancı Holding A.Ş. is considered one of Turkey’s largest conglomerates. According to Forbes, it is considered one of the Largest Public Companies in the World.
*Information from Forbes.com, Wikipedia.org, and www.sabanci.com/en.
**Video published on YouTube by “Companies History“