

    Terna S.p.A. history, company profile (overview) and history video

       Terna S.p.A. is an electricity transmission system operator headquartered in Rome, Italy. It provides national transmission grid (NTG) planning, development, and maintenance activities, as well as managing the electricity flows that pass through it.

       The company’s electricity system’s supply chain consists of several segments, including electricity production, transmission, distribution, and sale.


       Terna was founded in 1999, following the liberalization of the electricity sector, with Enel as the main shareholder.

       In 2004, the company was listed on the Italian Stock Exchange.

       In 2005, the unification of ownership and management of the grid was introduced.

       During 2009-2013, Terna acquired 18,600 km of high-voltage lines from Enel, thereby becoming one of the largest independent grid operators in the world.

       In 2009, Terna sold 66% of the Brazilian subsidiary, Terna Participações, to Cemig.

       In 2011, the SA.PE.I. line (Sardinia to the mainland) and the Chignolo Po-Maleo line in Lombardy started operating. Work also began on the Sorgente-Rizziconi line (linking Sicily and Calabria).

       In 2012, new operating companies were established: Terna Rete Italia S.p.A., responsible for regulated activities, and Terna Plus S.r.l., in charge of expanding the Non-regulated services.

       In 2015, Terna acquired the Ferrovie dello Stato’s high-voltage grid, consolidating its presence in Europe by managing approximately 72,600 km of grid.

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       In 2016, the Villanova-Gissi and Sorgente-Rizziconi lines entered into service. The latter was transformed into a power line that connects Sicily with Calabria and the Italian Peninsula with the rest of Europe via the country’s high-voltage electricity system.

       Between 2017-2019, work began on major electricity infrastructure projects, such as Sa.Co.I. 3 (connecting Sardinia, Corsica, and the Italian mainland) and the Italy-Austria interconnector. Meanwhile, the Italy-Montenegro interconnector was also completed. As the first electricity bridge between Italy and the Balkans, it enabled Italy to reinforce its role as a European and Mediterranean electricity transmission hub.

       In 2020, Terna Energy Solutions, a subsidiary of Terna, strengthened its industrial side by acquiring Brugg Kabel AG, one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of terrestrial cables.

       In 2021, the company acquired LT S.r.l. (LT Group), creating one of the largest Italian operators in the operation & maintenance of photovoltaic plants.

       In October 2022, Terna signed a partnership agreement with Meridiam and Boundless Energy to develop joint initiatives in the United States in the field of power grids.

       In November 2022, Terna Forward was established to identify the best technology opportunities and transfer them to other Group companies.

       In December 2022, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security approved the start of the consent process for Terna’s new electricity interconnection between Italy and Tunisia.

       With over 5,000 employees, Terna S.p.A is one of Europe’s largest grid operators for electricity transmission in Europe. According to Forbes, it is considered one of the Largest Public Companies in the World.

    *Information from,, and

    **Video published on YouTube by “Terna SpA



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